Trailers and about films and series


Pretty Little Liars

Five inseparable friends have their lives changed forever when one of them, the leader of the group, disappears mysteriously. A year later, Alison is still missing and no one knows if she's still alive. Meanwhile, the other four teenagers start receiving threatening messages from someone who knows the big secret they keep. What do the four friends really know about Alison's disappearance? Are they to blame? Who seems to be watching every step of the girls and sending scary messages that expose their most intimate secrets, of which only Alison knew? Was it Alison herself, if she was still alive, or was it someone else who had always been watching them? In addition to having to deal with a secret that they try to keep at all costs, the four friends have several personal problems to solve in the small town they live in: conflicts in the family and in loving relationships are not outside the daily life of each one of them.


Resultado de imagem para meninas de pll recebem mensagem da A



Everthing Everthing

What if you could not touch the world at all? And if you could not breathe fresh air, feel the hot sun on your face ... or kiss your neighbor?

"Everything and Everything" tells of Maddy's unlikely love story, an intelligent, curious, and imaginative 18-year-old girl who is the victim of an extremely rare disease that prevents her from abandoning the protection of hermetically sealed environment in which she lives Of his house, and Olly, the neighbor next door who is not willing to let Maddy's condition keep them from each other.

Maddy is desperate to experience the desired and exhilarating world beyond the walls of her bedroom - and the promise of her first love. The glances exchanged only for the windowpane and the text-chatting have created a deep bond between Maddy and Olly, which leads them to risk everything to be together ... even though they may lose absolutely everything..

Resultado de imagem para história do filme tudo e todas as coisas



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